treeDigitalflood Pirate Radio will be on hiatus for the next few weeks. This was not an easy decision for me to make, but due to the continued frantic pace that my professional and personal life continues to move at something has to give. That something is the weekly upkeep of the show. I have become very busy over the past several weeks, but please understand this is by no means a bad thing. As work and home needs more attention I simply cannot keep up with my hobby at this time. By giving up the show for a bit though this will allow me to focus more on important things like my daughter, family, and friends. In the end, as I said before, this is a good thing. It gives me a chance to recharge. Perhaps a chance to refocus. Then, when time allots itself, we shall give it another go and continue where we left off. In the meantime, over the coming weeks, I will be reposting some classic episodes so you can catch up. As always, I thank you for listening and checking in. Please be sure to do so and continue to follow my other projects.

Thanks for the memories,

Chris Welch


Classic DF – 9/3/04

2 AM In WarwickIt’s 2 AM outside my house. I’ve just come home from a momentous night of change and turmoil. The past two years have been nothing, but one constant change of life. From my marriage collapsing, to learning to live on my own, to growing up finally into a man, and to becoming the father my daughter not only needs– but deserves. These are the things that I have faced. No sooner did one thing pass one way did life decide to pull me the other. My conscious decisions had a lot to do with all of this though and I now realize that. The choice was mine the whole time no matter how helpless at times I felt. I just had to choose. So here I am in the middle of my choices. I have closed a huge chapter in my life and begun a new one. It is time to put all these old things behind me. It is time to move onto the next page. This is all a reflection of this. My choice to continue on to bigger and better things begins here with a refresh of my virtual image that is I feel the layout is simplistic, but beautiful. You’ll find more focus on art and music. That is where we are going here. Two new albums (yes… now it’s two) are on their way. New art also. The site is going to be less of a focus on my personal life than ever (and that was null before) though a blog will eventually surface. I thank you to all the readers who continue to visit and I hope the newbies who show up will find something here. As always, thank you for riding this journey with me that is life.
