Classic DF – 6/20/03

June 20, 2003: [•] I decided to update my site after I went to buy milk today and found a picture of myself on the back of the carton. No, I’m not dead– so stop celebrating already! The past two weeks are a blur. This week alone was the equivalent of downing a cereal box full of Speed tabs, strapping a rocket to my back, and then firing myself into the atmosphere. I never have had learned so much in such a short time frame, but I’m loving it. Why? Well, here are some cool things I got to do: Build 25′ tall weather tower, play with routers, provision data circuits, find out that roof tar does indeed stick to EVERY one or thing it touches, play with telephone frames, domain management pot luck bonanza, and the best part of all– being granted root access to the network. I switched user and creamed. I’m such a geek, I know. Then there is the fact that I’ve never had a desk that was “my desk”. It was always time shared with someone. I couldn’t personalize it. People would steal my supplies. I usually had a cubby hole or a drawer. Yes, now I have my own desk. My own computer. My own administrator login. My own Nextel phone. Mine, mine, mine. FINALLY! I still share stuff; don’t get me wrong like the cubicle itself (the manager in the cubie with me is very cool though). Nevertheless there is some comfort in knowing that I have earned the right to say “Hey, that’s my desk”. Today I put my name on my side of the cubicle so now I feel extra special. Like that guy who sorts glass and asks to not be thrown away! I love my new car though there are some minor things annoying me. One of these days I’ll bring it down to the dealer to sort that stuff out, but it’s nothing major. A creak here, a scratch there, and a warble if you care. Sounds like a Dr. Suess novel, NEXT. I’ve been more health conscious lately. Today instead of pizza I had a vegetarian hero. The other day instead of fried chicken I bought a salad. My portions are smaller and I drink mostly seltzer. I’ve been walking everyday and trying to do more moving around. It’s not like I have to, but for once I want to. Psychologically I’m stronger than ever. I’m very confident about myself and it’s nice to know that I’m doing the right things lately. I really have turned my life around and I’m proud of myself. Despite all this I’ve made sure to set weekends aside for my daughter. Though I’ll work late any other night tonight was to spend time with her… and she ironically fell asleep. Oh well, tomorrow my friends… I’ve learned there is always tomorrow. And even if there was no tomorrow at least you know that you had good intentions any how. My tattoo scheme failed BTW. Not enough cash. BUT I did use the money for my car’s down payment so for those of you who did contribute you bought me something nice after all. Feel proud. You own me you l337 hax0r you! I haven’t updated in awhile so I felt compelled to post something long and maybe even amusing. Be sure to check out my remixed survey thing. Yeah, I am that big of a loser; but you love me anyhow. 😉


Classic DF – 4/4/03

April 04, 2003: [•] was down because we felt like it. I felt too tired to walk 10′ from my desk to ask Rock to restart HTTP services. We’re lazy slothfully self-indulged bastards who aspire to wallow in our own filth on a daily basis. Okay, maybe not! We did have an outage though due to an application failure, but that’s the glory of technology I guess. I’ll learn to live with it; maybe. 😉
