Classic DF – 2/20/04

February 20, 2004: [•] I’m not sure why this is somewhat funny but it just is:

  • Her: Why do you have to keep bringing up the past over and over?
  • Me: I’m sorry. I don’t know. I tend to dwell on stuff.
  • Her: You just got to stop though.
  • Me: Okay, you’re right. I won’t keep bringing up the past over and over. You’ve got to promise me you’ll help though by making sure we don’t bring all the bad stuff up over and over.
  • Her: What?! No, it’s okay to rehash things– just don’t dwell on it. Make your point and move on to something else.

That may just be the best advice I’ve ever been given and I’m not being sarcastic. At the same time it’s also brutally honest and that makes it ironically funny. Just thought I’d share. Also stay away from perfumes that when inhaled set your sinuses on fire. I’ve never known mace to turn on me, but apparently some perfume designer thought it would be funny to market it as sexy and then put it out as an Estee Lauder scent. The reason? That’s beyond me.
