June 20, 2003: [•] I decided to update my site after I went to buy milk today and found a picture of myself on the back of the carton. No, I’m not dead– so stop celebrating already! The past two weeks are a blur. This week alone was the equivalent of downing a cereal box full of Speed tabs, strapping a rocket to my back, and then firing myself into the atmosphere. I never have had learned so much in such a short time frame, but I’m loving it. Why? Well, here are some cool things I got to do: Build 25′ tall weather tower, play with routers, provision data circuits, find out that roof tar does indeed stick to EVERY one or thing it touches, play with telephone frames, domain management pot luck bonanza, and the best part of all– being granted root access to the network. I switched user and creamed. I’m such a geek, I know. Then there is the fact that I’ve never had a desk that was “my desk”. It was always time shared with someone. I couldn’t personalize it. People would steal my supplies. I usually had a cubby hole or a drawer. Yes, now I have my own desk. My own computer. My own administrator login. My own Nextel phone. Mine, mine, mine. FINALLY! I still share stuff; don’t get me wrong like the cubicle itself (the manager in the cubie with me is very cool though). Nevertheless there is some comfort in knowing that I have earned the right to say “Hey, that’s my desk”. Today I put my name on my side of the cubicle so now I feel extra special. Like that guy who sorts glass and asks to not be thrown away! I love my new car though there are some minor things annoying me. One of these days I’ll bring it down to the dealer to sort that stuff out, but it’s nothing major. A creak here, a scratch there, and a warble if you care. Sounds like a Dr. Suess novel, NEXT. I’ve been more health conscious lately. Today instead of pizza I had a vegetarian hero. The other day instead of fried chicken I bought a salad. My portions are smaller and I drink mostly seltzer. I’ve been walking everyday and trying to do more moving around. It’s not like I have to, but for once I want to. Psychologically I’m stronger than ever. I’m very confident about myself and it’s nice to know that I’m doing the right things lately. I really have turned my life around and I’m proud of myself. Despite all this I’ve made sure to set weekends aside for my daughter. Though I’ll work late any other night tonight was to spend time with her… and she ironically fell asleep. Oh well, tomorrow my friends… I’ve learned there is always tomorrow. And even if there was no tomorrow at least you know that you had good intentions any how. My tattoo scheme failed BTW. Not enough cash. BUT I did use the money for my car’s down payment so for those of you who did contribute you bought me something nice after all. Feel proud. You own me you l337 hax0r you! I haven’t updated in awhile so I felt compelled to post something long and maybe even amusing. Be sure to check out my remixed survey thing. Yeah, I am that big of a loser; but you love me anyhow. 😉
Classic DF – 6/16/03
June 16, 2003: [•] So I finally figured out when I’m going to update this darn thing of mine I dare call a world wide web site of page. You’ll notice I plan on doing it all week during the evening (look at the Calendar page for more info)… er… updating my web page that is… not ummmm…. moving right along! My job is still going well. I’m doing development work on software and its really odd to just be doing things on my own. Like actually being able to be creative. The one downer is my department budget is limiting my resources for a small time. This isn’t much of problem as I have switched from Photoshop (a minimal $100 budget expense) to GIMP (completely free off the Net), but the problem is the Windows 9x/XP port is really unstable. Crashes are frequent and that can negate 10 or 15 minutes worth of work. Even saving is dangerous as that too could induce a crash. Not fun. I’m hopefully going to find a more stable freeware application, but in the meantime this will do. I put in for more some other resources (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc…), but we’ll see what can be invested on my projects. Actually I kind of like having to make due. I haven’t had to be this resourceful for years. I truly have to rely on my artistic talent instead of just using a filter or some lame ass trick like that. I kind of like the idea that I have to strive for this. In fact, I LOVE the idea I have to actually be creative. I really think I’ve found my calling and I’m attacking the tasks at hand with all the vigor of my resources. This could either be my chance to shine or a really big failure. Either way I will learn from the process, adapt, correct, and move on. This rules!
Classic DF – 6/13/03
June 13, 2003: [•] Ah, long time no banter. Let’s catch up: Last week I was on vacation and it was awesome. I spent the whole week with Gette just chilling out having a great time together around the house. We wandered around, bonded, and at some point ended up at Chuck E Cheese’s dancing on-stage with a six foot tall mechanical rat. We rule! Aside from causing a scene at the local kid’s hang out I’ve also been enjoying my new car. It’s nice. Sure it’s no sexus in the Lexus, but I’ll leave big pimping to Jay Z as he far surpasses my capabilities at it. [•] After such an incredible vacation that totally zenned my rear you’d think going back to work would stink. AH HAH! You’d be wrong! I started on my new role as “Network Specialist”. The words “kick ass” come to mind. Though sometimes I think of the movie Office Space while I’m there and I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s just that everyone over in this department takes quotes out of it and randomly drops it into conversations. I think they’re just trying to see if I’m paying attention. I plan on name dropping right back– My maroon Swingline stapler should be here any day now 😉 [•] So now it’s back to the weekend again and I figured I’d update while Gette naps. I REALLY want to go to the zoo tomorrow with her if it’s nice out, but we’ll see. On a sad note, my sister lost her cat Murray. He ran away on Thursday. If you see an orange and white domestic short hair cat wandering around Warwick please let me know. I couldn’t find a picture of him around the house, but the cat in the link looks a lot like him only Murray is chubbier. Expect an update in a week or two… or three… yeah exactly WHATEVER!
Classic DF – 6/3/03
June 03, 2003: [•] Today is my birthday. I’m 26 years old. Feel free to send lots of money via the address supplied in the big flAnnelmAn ad above if you wish to send a gift. Thank you. [•] Moving right along, Birthday present number one: The Village of Warwick announced at last night’s Board meeting it will be ceasing all condemnation proceedings ASAP and supporting free market principles. I’m happy, enough said. [•] Birthday present number two: The scratch on my rear bumper. I didn’t put it there, but whoever did… well thank you very much. I’ll remember you around Christmas time. You’re right up there with the moron who passed me last night, realized my brights are REALLY bright, pulled over to let me pass, and then was forced to follow me the rest of the way at 40 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. [•] Birthday present number three: BrokenReality has released screen captures from his up and coming animated project. Be warned– you may want to keep a towel around to clean up all the drool these suckers are going make you create. [•] Birthday present number four: Thanks to all my friends and family who wished me a happy birthday. It wasn’t whether you actually bought me something or not; it’s the fact that you remembered to begin with. 😉 [•] Birthday present number five: Having my daughter home on my birthday and spending the entire day playing with her. Gette and I have fun no matter what we’re doing. Today was no exception. You go girl because you’re Daddy’s best gift ever. 😉 [•] Birthday present number six: The tattoo. The big enchilada. The whole damn show. Yes, I will be setting a date and time for anyone interested in watching me permanently emblazon my flesh with my two greatest inspirations: My daughter and God. Believe it or not a couple of people actually want to see this. So maybe we’ll take some photos just for the Hell of it. Watch me cry live on the Net! Nice. TTYL
Classic DF – 6/1/03
June 01, 2003: [•] First off, you may have noticed that DF.com was down on May 30th. Around Midnight a severe thunderstorm killed power for most of the Town of Warwick, NY and though electricity came back on around 3 AM for most of the Town the server itself wasn’t so lucky. Rock revived it around 5 PM later that day though and it’s been back up since then (obviously). Friday was my last day on the Help Desk and my last day as Lead Technician. It was thoroughly uneventfully yet not without an odd feeling in the air. Hanging right above my head was the next two weeks schedule. This week I was marked for vacation, but the week after I was no longer there. It just felt odd to see a schedule for the first time in four years where my name didn’t reside on it. My new job as a Network Specialist will be tough at first. There is a lot for me to learn and a lot that I want to learn though maybe not necessarily required. I’ve been told I’m going to be focusing on web page design, hosting, server administration, and television production. That’s a mish mosh of tasks and a venerable plethora of job skills will be required. I’m up for the challenge though and look forward to finally putting my multimedia art skills to their limits. I will miss the Help Desk nevertheless. I spent over four years on that job working my butt off and though I believe I did contribute a good amount of skill to it I know that there are many things that feel like they are going to be left unfinished. No doubt some of that can be addressed though as I’ll probably end up helping out over there time to time. So all in the end the change is for the better. Speaking of change, I picked up my new 2003 Ford Focus ZX3 yesterday. Two disappoints: First, no rear disc brakes. Second, no sub-woofer. Still it’s a good deal and at least I got most of what I wanted. I’m very happy with my payments and the car itself. Though I’ve driven it a total of 5 miles I feel like I’ve had it for years. It fits like a glove and I think it better suits my personality than the sedan version. Gette likes it too. The rear seats are noticeably higher in the hatchback than in the sedan. The result is she can now see out the rear window. For the first time ever she demanded to go into the car instead of walking to my mom’s (around the corner), which she NEVER had requested before. She hated being put in the other car, but this one she simply says “Me go Daddy’s car”. Sounds like a plan to me 😉 As far as Daddy/Baby time goes vacation has been great. On that note, it’s time for Sponge Bob Square Pants so I’m off to spend time with Gette.