About Chris

Chris is an IT/IS management professional with over a decade of experience in IT, IS, Network Engineering, and Telecommunications integration. Chris specializes in web server deployment and information management. This includes CMS, CRM, and dynamic content deployment. Chris also manages a full service Video Head End with over 200 digital TV channels. Chris also has five years of project management, knowledge management, and engineering design experience. He specializes in both the Agile and Scrum project management methodology. He also has a background in computer forensics and information security including federal or state compliance audits (such as SOX).

DF Pirate Radio – “Enter The NoPants”

Title: Vol. 1 Episode 7 (Click Link to Play) Rel: 11/28/05
Description: The living Internet legend Morgan NoPants stops in for a rare live appearance on the Internet where she actually wears pants. Moran eventually teams up with MC Mary @ The Disco! to verbally pound DJ Digitalflood into the ground. Throw in DJ Georgette @ The Disco to keep things PG and then top with some Industrial. The final result– double innuendos galore and lots of throbbing bass. A good combo to be had!

DF Pirate Radio – “I’m So Emo I Bleed Unicorns”

Title: Vol. 1 Episode 6 (Click Link to Play) Rel: 11/21/05
Description: MC Mary @ The Disco! takes over the show leaving us all to suffer in Emo Hell. As the infamous line goes during the intro from DJ Digitalflood, “Like a 500 lb. black man with glass and glue and knuckles” we all get pounded. Alexa also stops to add more street cred to the show. Rumor has it you get 500 scene points for just downloading this MP3.

DF Pirate Radio – “Fight Piracy With Piracy”

Title: Vol. 1 Episode 5 (Click Link to Play) Rel: 11/14/05
Description: Jeff stops in to let DJ Digitalflood and MC Mary @ The Disco! know about the dangers of pirate radio broadcasts on the Internet. Specifically, how illegal webcasts hurt royalties to fat cat artists and record companies. Needless to say, Jeff wasn’t exactly told what DF Pirate Radio was about. Along the way Hulk Hogan stops in for the Hell of it. And by the end everybody is happy (more or less) including Jeff… mostly because he still doesn’t know he was on Pirate Radio. Ignorance truly is bliss.

DF Pirate Radio – “The Palindrome Mix”

Title: Vol. 1 Episode 4 (Click Link to Play) Rel: 11/07/05
Description: Skow guest stars in this episode, which is called “The Palindrome Mix”. The episode promotes the Palindrome; which was an underground metal club in Brooklyn, NY before it went broke. That’s what happens when you give away free food and beer at every show plus have no cover charge. Economics lessons aside, this is arguably one of the hardest mixes of music. Lots of indie hard core for the scene kids and more rambling than you can shake a stick at.

DF Pirate Radio – “Halloween H2Yo Yo”

Title: Vol. 1 Episode 3 (Click Link to Play) Rel: 10/31/05
Description: The 2005 Halloween Episode. Lots of creepy music and annoying sound effects are combined to harness the power that is Digitalflood Pirate Radio. Seriously. Production had become so good most people were convinced this was done with more than a computer and cheap microphone. Now that’s scary. DJ Digitalflood reminds MC Mary @ The Disco that she doesn’t have to be scared of Michael Jackson because she’s a teenage girl– it’s R. Kelly she has to worry about.