The Deal

A castle in Germany? DAH!

A castle in Germany? DAH!

Today I got some mixed news and I think (without getting too personal about the whole deal… it is business after all) that the best way to deal with challenges is to use some creative energy to recharge myself  and to just simply tear into some DJ mixing. With that– I have recorded “digitalflood Pirate Radio Vol. 5 Ep. 4” in raw mix session format. It’s the only way I know to deal with challenges in life (to create). A few glasses of Bacardi Rum Select and a few hours later– I believe I have recorded the best mix tape ever. Angst breeds artistry. Artistry leads to creation. And now you the viewer can prosper from my angst. This Sunday (12/13/09) I promise you the best mix tape session ever. It is heavy on a certain genre. It is a tribute to a certain club in Newark, NJ (the select few of you have caught on already) and it is possibly the most incredible mix ever. On 12/13/09 the new digitalflood Pirate Radio drops. It is unreal. I promise you this much. I’m listening to the raw mix right now– prepare to be blown away.


DF Pirate Radio – “The 2009 Beat Feast – Redux”

Title: Vol. 5 Episode 3 (Click link to play) Rel: 12/06/09
Description:The 2009 Beat Feast – Redux” – We actually did a “Beat Feast” for 2009 during Episode 1 of this season (Volume 5 – 2009), but that was actually to make up for us missing doing one in Volume 4 (2008.) With that, this is the latest in our series of annual live recorded deejay mix sessions we call “The Beat Feast”, which is released around Thanksgiving each year. It’s our way of kicking off the holiday season and a nice background mixer for your weekend get together. This “Beat Feast” doesn’t let you down– there’s tons of music (new and old) and the usual hip hop heavy mix is present. You’ll find a few surprises such as an American metal band that is big in Germany and a German metal band that is big in America (figure out who’s who!) along with a couple of other classic surprises. If this doesn’t get you dancing, then nothing will! Total run time is just over an hour and half (with no commercial interruptions or spoken interludes). The live mixing is all done by DJ digitalflood and as usual he pushes the limits of what can be done with two virtual turn tables and a very real two channel mixer.This year’s “Beat Feast” is dedicated to the memory of Shiva Welch who was both the Welch family pet and a digitalflood Pirate Radio mainstay. Many of our guests met this three legged cat and were inspired by how it never held her back. She passed away earlier this year of terminal lung cancer. She is sorely missed by all who knew her, but her indomitable spirit lives on. Shiva was born sometime in 1999 (she was a stray so nobody knows her exact month of birth) and passed away in April 2009. You can hear her often referred to by radio guest during Pirate Radio shows as “Tripod”. She loved meeting new people and Pirate Radio recordings quickly became one of her favorite times to come meet those new people. She loved being petted and playing with toys. She loved hopping on the computer during radio show recordings as well. She was adopted by DJ digitalflood from a local animal shelter in 2000 and spent the rest of her life living with his family. Veterinarians were never sure if her partial right hind leg was the result of a birth defect or an injury, but it didn’t stop her from getting around at all. We miss you and love you Shiva… thank you for teaching us to never let minor disabilities hold us back from living life to its fullest.

Pirate Radio Scheduled: Vol. 5 Ep. 3

The feast is almost here! It won't be ham hock and artichokes though.

The feast is almost here! It won't be a ham hock and artichokes though. Sorry.

I had to push back the release of “digitalflood Pirate Radio Volume 5 Episode 3 – The 2009 Beat Feast” to tomorrow (12/6/09). The actual live mixtape session is all recorded and finalized. I’m putting on the final post-production touches. The overall mix is heavy on hip hop, but you will find some classic gems and even a metal song or two thrown in for fun. Total run time is over one and half hours of absolute non-stop music. My right arm was pretty fatigued after the DJ mixing portion of the session and I had to give up after a half hour of post-production work (putting me at about 65% complete). I’m feeling better though today and should be able to bang out the final mix by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Keep your eyes peeled for it!

Also, I joined the Hot97 forum called “Who’s Next Online?“. Hot97 is a radio station (WQHT – 92.3 FM) out of New York City known for its mainstay presence in the East Coast (and worldwide) hip hop and rap scene. It’s arguably the center of the music scene for the urban Northeast US scene and my personal favorite radio station. You can find our profile (which has been pursued by a about twelve people at this point) at:

You’ll be able to find that link listed on our Beyond page as well.


Shoulder Surgery – 6 weeks in

Run far and don't look back. -- Snapshots by

Run far and don't look back. -- Snapshots by

Last time around in my previous post I caught up a bit later than our normal weekly updates on my recovery from Open Bankart Shoulder Surgery on my right arm. I did that to show you the large amount of pivotal progress that is made in week five compared to previous weeks.

The latter part of week five into week six has been much the same. During my last PT session (12/2) my therapist began a more aggressive massage methodology on my scar tissue and shoulder blade. She advised me that what she was doing was flattening out and extending the scar tissue. This allows the scar tissue to become more flexible like normal muscle tissue, but still provide enough stabilization in the shoulder as to hold my bones in place. Only when really pressed on does the surgery scar even exhibit any noticeable pain. My humerus head is still sore, but not as bad as in the past. There is also still soreness around the shoulder blade and back muscles related to both non-usage, as well as, the strain being put on the muscles by my continued attempts to adjust my posture. My therapist stated left untouched the scar tissue would build into a large mounded mass and become too hard limiting range of motion. Worse yet it would also stick to the other muscles and soft tissue limiting their movement as well. All in all, the importance of continued massaging of the surgery scar by a PT is important at this point as internally there is still late stage healing going on.

We then did some light stretching and shoulder blade rotations. Then came the grueling part. We began slowly with the therapist and an assistant’s help moving my arm upward above my head (as if I was reaching upward except I was really laying flat on my back). The first time we measured 142 degrees, which is two degrees up from last session earlier this week (see previous entry link above). Again, to recap, 180 degrees is the maximum measurement for an upward reach and my ultimate goal. 142 degrees came with minor discomfort and is my “pain limit”. The next two upward reaches went beyond my pain limit. First to 145 (where intense pain set in) and then beyond to what was my true flexibility reach (where muscles in my arm tightened rigid with no more ability to stretch from shoulder to wrist– it sounds as horrible as it really is but is actually less pain than the intense pain threshold where the shoulder joint has to slide into one another at the collar bone and humerus). My final reach at true flexible limits of motion was 150 degrees. This is ahead of schedule and a good sign. My goal is over the next session to reach that 150 deg. limit without the intense pain point occurring and to continue to limber up the collar bone to humerus joint that is limiting my existing reach with pain.

This is what I saw in the ER basically... yeah. Posterior Shoulder Dislocation - Courtsey of

This is what I saw in the ER basically... yeah. Posterior Shoulder Dislocation - Courtsey of

To do that, my therapist and I discussed adding another exercise for at home PT– a wall climb. The wall climb is done in the shower after heating the arm with warm water (to encourage flexibility and blood flow). You stand facing a flat wall. Reach out with your arm extended to touch the wall with your finger tips “spider” style on the wall. You then walk the “spider” up the wall at the same time you slowly move towards the wall itself. The result is your hand slowly climbs the wall and is supported by it. Once at the apex of the wall you hold it for fifteen seconds. Then walk back down while stepping away from the wall. This is done three times and should encourage the motion limit to lift over the coming weeks.

Other than that we then did ice and electric stimulation to ease both swelling and pain from the session.

Six weeks marks the end of high risk of dislocation and infection. There are still minor risks of both over the last six weeks, but you can finally go into public without a sling. You still need the sling when you sleep though. Six weeks marks the point where some normality returns to your life and you can look back to see the large amount of progress made over the course of the prior weeks. It did feel like an incredibly long time, but now at least there is the encouragement of knowing something is really happening and you really are starting to feel better.

The biggest thing is now that you start feeling better to not get lazy. You need to still get PT, still do your at home exercises, and still need to keep in mind your arm is not 100% (realistically it’s about 50% at this point or a bit lower). This insures you continue to heal and make progress.

Next week I return to work and I’ll be switching to document how that interacts with PT and exercises. I had to get a note from my orthopedic surgeon during my five week post-op visit saying I could come back. I then handed that back into HR and they’ll file the closing of my disability claim with NYS when I return on 12/7/09. I already discussed with my direct supervisor and my HR manager my “special needs” such as PT sessions and a 20 minute “exercise break”. I’m swapping out lunch and a fifteenth minute break then making up whatever time I go over on by staying longer. This was all approved without issue (your employer will just be glad to have you back). I do have a 10 lb. lifting limit on my work, but other than that because most of my work is clerical and managerial in nature I can do my normal workload.

If you do physical labor you may not be able to return to work at this point, but that is between you and your surgeon to determine. After 12 weeks most people can return to most jobs, but again– cases vary and you need to consult your medical professional about that, as well as, work out arrangements with your employer (including FMLA and disability where needed).


Hoopla and Hootenannism

Nationals Jersey Spelling Issue - Source:

Nationals Jersey Spelling Issue - Source:

Some minor updates to have been implemented, that should help keep things humming along:

  • I updated the CAPTCHA feature used to post comments. This will add some complexity to the graphic and deter comment spammers from trying to put junk ads on article/posts. I’ve also updated the verbal read out button so if you have trouble reading a particular CAPTCHA output you can click on the little speaker icon and it will read what the letters are (pretty nifty huh?). That feature also helps the vision impaired browse the blog with ease. We try with every effort to make our site accessible to those with special needs and this is just one way we accomplish that.
  • Updated background caching system, which helps the site load faster.
  • Also updated the optimization tools I use to help speed up page loads.

All in all these are minor changes, but they keep things humming along well enough to be noted.

Over at the Merch Shop, I’ve added a whole line of kids, toddlers, and infants clothing. This rounds out our offerings for the holiday season. If you haven’t checked out the merchandise, please do. You’re sure to find something for yourself or someone you know who loves our site.

This week’s DF Pirate Radio will be out on 12/5/09 (Volume 5 Episode 3). It will be the infamous and much loved mixtape seasonal bonanza known as “The Beat Feast”. Our previous editions have been very popular with our viewers so with that in mind you’ll be sure to want to download this one as well.

Finally, don’t you hate it when you forget to spell check an email? How about if you forgot to spell check a message that some million people would see? Like say– a Major League Baseball jersey? It happened to the poor Washington Nationals this year back in April 2009. Nobody is quite sure how it happened, but some of the players’ jerseys sported the logo of “NATINALS”. On top of it, they lost the game to the Florida Marlins as well. Can you say “served”?
