Search Page Fixed

Sherlock Holmes knows the answer to our search problem.

Sherlock Holmes knows the answer to our search problem.

One minor quick morning note, late in the evening yesterday I was able to fix a bug I came across during some routine interface/content bug hunting where the Search Page would be completely malformed (read: ugly to look at) though the contents were returning correctly for the search query itself. Turned out to be a conflict between my plug in that does in house searches on and another plug in that does the “teaser” abbreviated News & Updates posts (including that nifty word count and permanent link feature at the bottom of this very post). With a little finagling I was able to get both the plug in’s to play together nicely. The result is the Search Page is fixed and all is good in the world again.

I also updated all the various web page content site wide to reflect the current status (such as the Staff Page, etc…) of what we’re up to.


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