This And That

Quick minor update, I posted the ads that were used as private invitations for my Bachelor Party (affectingly labeled “Digitalflood Party – The End”) back in 2007 on the last page of Graphic Art section. This is the first time these pieces have been publicly displayed and I think at the very least you’ll get a giggle out of them. Enjoy!


Idle Hands

They say that idle hands are the Devil’s plaything and if that is the case, there is not Satan to be found near my palms because I just released a slew updated content to the site. All the image related pages (Graphic Art, Photos, and even the Biography page) have been updated with a lightbox application that users of social networking sites (like Facebook or MySpace) will find very familiar. It cleans up the image enlargement pop ups and unifies the design elements, which is always nice. The final result is both cleanly executed and easy to use. This marks release .1 for the code and is yet another milestone in development. Yay me!
